Abraham Lincoln was a noble leader because he was a man of integrity. He became President on March 4, 1861. Tragically , at this time the nation was divided on the issue of slavery. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s book, that was written ten years earlier, had galvanized the Northern States against slavery. Abraham Lincoln took up the cause of freedom and war eventually ensued. During the conflict, Lincoln was not afraid to use new technology to turn the tide of the war, as was displayed in the Monitor Merrimac battle of March 8-9, 1862. Later in his presidency, he showed great courage in initiating, the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863. Eleven months later , he convincingly delivered the Gettysburg Address which helped to heal a war torn country and laid the responsibility of the defense of freedom upon the shoulders of every U.S. citizen. Abraham Lincoln became known as one of the most influential leaders in history because he possessed certain rare qualities not found in the common man. He was firm and resolute when undergoing unjust criticism and never retaliated when provoked , was honest and trustworthy even in the most trivial affairs , and was educated in the Bible, always abiding by its principles.

Abraham Lincoln will forever be known as a man who was honest. He was fiercely devoted to truth and had the moral strength to be honest with friend and foe, in public and in private. James Russell Lowe in his poem about Lincoln described his character by saying “And loyalty to Truth be sealed; As bravely in the closet as the field.” Wholeheartedly , Lincoln believed in the laws governing truth and that man is accountable to God for the life they choose to live. In this way , his public declarations were consistently straightforward, truthful in every point, and conveyed the actuality of the current state of affairs, thus communicating a timeless message that still clearly rings in the ears of people today. Abraham Lincoln’s honesty is his most enduring trait and by it, continues to inspire countless people throughout the ages.
He had the courage to endure unjust criticism and never lashed out when provoked. Constantly , Lincoln struggled against unfair blame and vicious attacks by those around him, but never let discouragement deter him from the righteous cause for which he so valiantly fought. Instead of retaliating foolishly , he used truth to battle the endless flow of slander and bring about amelioration. Lincoln understood the importance of knowing when to respond to false charges against him, and when to leave them be. Lincolns Second Inaugural Address beckoned to all willing to listen, “With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan--to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves, and with all nations.” Lincoln’s moral strength in responding and knowing when not to respond to criticism is a significant model for all human behavior.
Lincoln was schooled in the Bible and abided by its teachings. Unquestionably , he was a student of Gods words, knowing and applying the compelling principles of the Bible which gave him the power and strength to conquer adversity of any shape or form. Lincoln deeply understood the Bible and was familiar with the passage in Luke 11:17 that said “…Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falleth.” When Lincoln said “A house divided against itself cannot stand”, he knew that as long as the United States remained separated, the nation would be powerless to stop the inevitable and long foreseen consequences lying in wait. On one occasion, when Lincoln called together a small group of friends and councilors to review and critique the final draft of his first speech for the Lincoln Douglas debates. His close friends counseled him to remove a selection from his speech that referred to a scripture in the Bible. They said it would drive away voters. Lincoln said “The Time has come when this truth should be uttered and I am determined neither to change nor modify my assertion. I am willing if necessary to perish with it. If it is decreed that I should go down because of this speech, then let me go down linked to the truth. Let me die in the advocacy of what is just and right.” Without a doubt , Lincoln’s life proves that the ancient teachings of the Bible are as relevant and powerful now, as they were thousands of years ago.
Abraham Lincoln is known and respected not for his looks, smooth words, or popularity among the people. Above all , he was looked upon as a legendary leader because of his honesty in private and public situations , his long suffering of undeserved slander and slowness to anger , and his undivided allegiance to the Bible and its teachings . Abraham Lincoln had a foundational knowledge of truth in which he had internalized within his heart giving him a singular power that no one else possessed. Lincoln was always expanding his character by application of these tried and true principles. These principles he lived by propelled him through all circumstances. Fiercely , he held onto that truth in the face of adversity until the bitter end because he knew that by remaining firm in the truth he would prevail.