Today while taking a shower, I was thinking about possible strategies and tactics that be could used in Warthunder. For those of you who know nothing about Warthunder, it's a multiplayer online game dedicated to World War II military aviation, armored vehicles, and fleets. As I thought, it suddenly struck how similar and applicable my strategies were to life.
Warthunder revolves around positional warfare. You can be the best shot, know the opponents weaknesses, and have superior weaponry, but if the enemy has a better angle you will lose nine times out of ten. When engaging an opponent, you should always place yourself in a position that will maximize your strengths and put the enemy at a disadvantage. Allowing
yourself to take a bad position only makes it easier for the adversary to destroy you. This works the same way in every day life. You should always be mindful of where you are and what you are doing.
Constantly we learn and are reminded about how Satans one sole desire is for all men to be miserable like unto himself. We learn about his ways and methods of temptation. Outfitting yourself with this knowledge is comparable to having superior weaponry, being the best shot, and knowing your opponents weaknesses. While this knowledge is important, if you're exposing yourself to unrighteous things and placing yourself in dangerous positions, the amount you know about Satan doesn't really matter. Of course, the difference between right and wrong isn't always black and white and sometimes it's quite hard to differentiate. Fortunately, we have been given the Spirit to help us see the evil behind the smiling eyes. Three Days Grace does a wonderful job of explaining this:

Constantly we learn and are reminded about how Satans one sole desire is for all men to be miserable like unto himself. We learn about his ways and methods of temptation. Outfitting yourself with this knowledge is comparable to having superior weaponry, being the best shot, and knowing your opponents weaknesses. While this knowledge is important, if you're exposing yourself to unrighteous things and placing yourself in dangerous positions, the amount you know about Satan doesn't really matter. Of course, the difference between right and wrong isn't always black and white and sometimes it's quite hard to differentiate. Fortunately, we have been given the Spirit to help us see the evil behind the smiling eyes. Three Days Grace does a wonderful job of explaining this:
If you can’t stand the way this place is
Take yourself to higher places