"There’s a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part; you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop."

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Overcoming The Greatest Trials Through Writing | Extended Thoughts

A couple days ago I made a post about writing and how it has helped me so much in the past weeks.  I'm not sure if I gave a complete explanation of how I did it, so this post is meant to be my extended explanation of the subject.
I began with a blank document and wrote as fast as I could about what I felt.  I didn't worry about spelling, grammar, nothing. When I finished I had a very messy document loaded with my emotions.  I read through it a few times and fixed any grammatical errors while being careful not to change the core meaning.  Then, I opened a separate document and began copying and pasting bits from the first document, to the second.  These small pieces I arranged together into a paragraph that flowed and made sense.  After I was finished I had a paragraph describing my problem written strait from my heart.
Writing the paragraph allowed me to explain my problem in a way that made me think about things like, why is this happening and why do I feel this way?  Most of the time you don't think about that sort of stuff in the heat of the moment.  I find myself saying "that's just the way it is".  But no, there is reason behind it.  Nothing happens by coincidence and through writing, I was able to find the reasons why.
It also changed my perspective.  No longer was I looking at it from my point of view, but from a new perspective that allowed me to see in ways that I was blind.  All the time I fall into the trap of believing that I can already see everything from my standpoint, but in reality all I can see is one dimension of the three dimensional object.
My words have only given you a tiny drop of what can be discovered through writing.  It may seem much too simple to be effective, but believe me when I say it works.  Few things in my life have been more helpful than writing in finding meaning during moments of uncertainty 

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